Our project of WsparcieDlaSzpitala.pl know-how transfer to Ukraine has started. The Polish Challenge Fund finances the project – a joint program of UNDP in Europe and Central Asia and Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych.
WsparcieDlaSzpitala.pl is a nationwide social support system for hospitals and nursing homes during the pandemic. It was created pro bono by scientists from the Poznan University of Economics, programmers from Clorce Company, social activists from the PARK Foundation, and private individuals. The system currently covers 700 medical centers and a group of 360 local coordinators.
The essence of the 6-month project under the Polish Challenge Fund is to gather previous experiences, train partners on the Ukrainian side, and pilot implementation of 10 selected hospitals and a group of coordinators into the WsparcieDlaSzpitala.pl system, accompanied by a local information campaign.
The project leader is the PUEB Knowledge Transfer Company. The partner on the Ukrainian side is High-Tech Office Ukraine.